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Influence the Fetus, This is a Normal Hb in Pregnant Women and How to Take Care of it

Get to Know the normal Hb in pregnant women according to the age of the womb!

Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells whose job is to deliver oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. Considering its very important function, the normal HB in pregnant women should always be sought.

To find out the condition of HB in the body, Mama should check herself periodically. Moreover, low hemoglobin levels can trigger anemia that can endanger the health of mom and fetus.

Some of the problems that will occur if your mother's HB levels are low are dizziness, weakness, paleness, nausea, and difficulty concentrating.

Well, to find out normal HB levels in pregnant women according to the age of the womb, the following we have summarized the complete information.

1. What is hemoglobin?
what is Hemoglobin or HB

In short, hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that delivers oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. Hemoglobin also carries carbon dioxide back into the lungs to be exhaled outside the body.

Well, if pregnant women have low hemoglobin levels or anemia, it can endanger the condition of the fetus. Among these is can increase the risk of preterm birth or babies with low birth weight.

Low hemoglobin will also affect the quality of life of the mother in her pregnancy.

How not, when anemia hits Mama will feel weak, often drowsy, dizzy, palpitations, dizzy eyes, and can even faint.

Keep in mind that some anemia symptoms can be similar to pregnancy symptoms in general.

Regardless of whether you experience the above symptoms or not, pregnant women should undergo a blood test to see Hb levels during the first prenatal visit and at the end of pregnancy.

2. Hb levels are normal in pregnant women
WHO has provided a reference to normal Hb levels in pregnant women, as well as providing category limits for mild and severe anemia during pregnancy:
  • Normal: Hb> 11 gr / dl
  • Mild anemia: Hb 8-11 gr / dl
  • Severe Anemia: Hb <gr / dl

The Normal Hb levels in pregnant women according to gestational age are:
  • Adult women (not pregnant): 12-15.8 g / dl
  • First-trimester pregnancy: 11.6–13.9 g / dl
  • Second trimester pregnancy: 9.7–14.8 g / dl
  • Third-trimester pregnancy: 9.5–15.0 g / dl

hemoblogin values in pregnancy

3. Why can Hb be low during pregnancy?
Pregnant women do have a high risk of anemia due to low Hb levels.

The most common condition is iron deficiency anemia, a condition in which pregnant women do not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry the oxygen each cell needs in the body's tissues.

Iron is the main raw material for making hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the tissues.

During pregnancy, the volume of blood increases to accommodate changes in the body and helps the baby to get an adequate supply of blood and form blood cells in the fetus.

On this basis, a pregnant woman's need for iron is greatly increased even up to two times compared when not pregnant. Therefore, if food intake cannot meet the needs of iron in pregnant women, iron deficiency anemia can occur.

This can be proven by blood tests that show abnormal Hb levels, aka lower than normal.

Pregnant women will have a higher risk of anemia if:
  1. Pregnant with the distance of the previous pregnancy so close (<2 years).
  2. Pregnant twins.
  3. Frequent vomiting due to morning sickness.
  4. Less iron intake from food.
  5. Severe pre-pregnancy menstruation.

4. Tips to maintain normal Hb in pregnant women

To achieve normal Hb levels in pregnant women, the following steps or efforts are needed:
  1. Prenatal vitamins usually contain iron
  2. Taking prenatal vitamins that contain iron can help prevent and treat anemia during pregnancy. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a separate iron supplement.

To keep Hb normal during pregnancy, you need 27 milligrams of iron per day.
  1. Good nutrition can also prevent anemia during pregnancy
  2. Eating iron-rich food sources, including red meat (beef and mutton), poultry, and fish.
  3. Other options include cereals, beans, and vegetables. To increase iron absorption from food sources and supplements, adequate vitamin C intake is also needed, it can be sourced from fruits or preparations, such as orange juice, tomato juice, or strawberries.

If you use iron supplements with orange juice, avoid foods that are fortified with calcium. Although calcium is an important nutrient during pregnancy, calcium can reduce iron absorption.

5. If it turns out that Hb is already low, how can you overcome it?
If you have taken prenatal supplements containing iron, but your hemoglobin is still low, your doctor may recommend an examination to determine other possible causes.

In some cases, you may need to consult with a specialist who specializes in treating blood disorders (hematology).

If the cause of low Hb during pregnancy is iron deficiency, the doctor will recommend additional iron or increase the dose.

In certain conditions where oral iron supplementation is not possible, for example, having a history of gastric or small intestinal surgery or not being able to tolerate oral iron, Mama may need an iron that is injected (intravenously).

Well, that's the five important information related to normal Hb in pregnant women.

Hopefully, this is useful, Ma!

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